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A local women's organization seeks to help survivors of domestic violence and more

By hollisterclothingoutlet 02/08/2022 731 Views

Hace unos años, un pequeño grupo de voluntarias se reunió con un objetivo común: empoderar a las mujeres afectadas por el abuso de sustancias, la falta de hogar y la violencia doméstica.Una organización local de mujeres busca ayudar a las sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica y más Una organización local de mujeres busca ayudar a las sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica y más

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Local Women’s NonProfit Aims to Provide Hand to Domestic Violence Survivors and More

The group of seven women from San Diego County, most of them Latin and between 20 and 30 years, is now known as the Crew cool.The organization is associated with other non -profit associations from San Diego County and on the other side of the border between the United States and Mexico to provide clothing, dressing tables, bedding, diapers and other essential items to needy women needed.

“I have gone through domestic violence, aggression and addiction recovery...All this is very personal for me, "said Chelsea Muniz, 28, executive director of the Crew.She started the group in National City in 2017.Became a non -profit organization in 2019.


He said he was healer for her to talk to others with similar experiences.Together, he said, they broke the barriers of shame, guilt and stigma.

"They are like a safe shelter," said Serena Mafnas, 29, a volunteer who joined the seven originals in 2018."They create a safe space where women are not afraid to talk to them".

Now, the group seeks to grow.Its members organize monthly meetings —Hip Hop in the park and art therapy classes, for example - where people can leave donations.And his organizers are trying to add a growing list of partners at the local level and other places, including House of Hope - with the headquarters in ST.Paul, Minn.- A resource center that works with Latin women and girls who suffer domestic violence, sexual aggression and people trafficking.

Una organización local de mujeres busca ayudar a las sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica y más

“I always say that you help yourself while you help others.It is a great blessing for me to help people in the community and give love and support that I didn't always feel, ”said Muniz.

In addition to working mainly with the women of the San Diego County, the cool also provides resources and essential items for Tijuana migrants looking for asylum in the United States.

The group's development director, Arlene Rodríguez, said she was involved with the Crew Chula in 2018 after attending a business workshop sponsored by its members.Immigrant daughter, is responsible for coordinating local associations and collaborating with other organizations of scope.

"I've always been close to organizations that help with the situation of immigrants," said Rodríguez, 32 years old."It reaches my heart.It was a second nature for me to jump and help direct the organization ".

Becky Díaz, 29, coordinator of Extension of the Chula Crew, said she was attracted to the organization because she had experienced episodes of poverty when she grew up.As an adult, I wanted to try to improve things for people with similar experiences.

"I joined because this is going to help someone," he said.“Maybe someone sees the events and does not need (resources), but know someone who needs them.It's about helping everyone in the community ".


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A person who recently received help was Marcella Esquivel, a mother of three children who was experiencing the lack of housing.Due to a change in their housing situation, Esquivel and his family were sleeping in their car while waiting for a rapid realization.And then another setback came: his car broken down.

He said he contacted the Crew cool and in a week he could fix his car.

"I was facing a brick wall and as soon as I contacted them, they received me with a hug," said Esquivel."It's a real blessing to be with people who are genuine".

The social worker Jacqueline López, 28, became the volunteer coordinator just six months ago, after going through a separation.He said he believed that the best way to heal was "dump his heart in the community".It helps to collect donations and distribute them among the people to which the organization serves.

"I hope this demonstrates (to the community) that we are there for others," he said."Although we needed a pandemic to show us...that we could really unite regardless of how bad (rudeness) it would be put ”.

Crew chula accepts monetary donations through its website.The non -profit organization also accepts donations of money or articles, such as clothes, diapers and disinfectant of hands in their monthly events and workshops on aggression and domestic violence.There are several events scheduled in July and are published on the organization's website and on their social networks page.

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