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"We would never have imagined that he was going to be the first baby of the year" Tags: more in outstanding news UPS

By hollisterclothingoutlet 16/10/2022 756 Views

The clock had marked 12:00 in midnight and had just started 2022.In a room of a residence in Caguas a midwife and a doula hugged and congratulated.A man, disoriented, did not capture why they celebrated if he still saw his wife in the process of childbirth and a baby who was still on his way.

Gio Torruella Flores nació a las 12:22 de la mañana en medio de los ruidos de los fuegos artificiales. El nuevo año le trajo a María Flores e Hiram Torruella un bonito regalo.He weighed 7 pounds, measured 19 inches and a half, and reached the world at 40 weeks and six days of gestation.

“Jamás nos hubiéramos imaginado que iba a ser el primer bebé del año”, aseguró la madre primeriza en entrevista telefónica con El Nuevo Día, mientras alimentaba al recién nacido.

Doctors estimated that Gio would be born on December 26.It was a long wait that culminated after 47 hours of contractions.The first were the most difficult.Torruellas says that the pain stunned Flores, who sometimes answered incoherences.


"Was strong.Seeing a person who loves suffering, one as a husband, is very difficult. Al ser hombre yo no sé lo que es un dolor de regla, menos de contracciones y el parto”, dijo el hombre de 45 años.

To handle pain for so many hours, Flores did a lot of mental work.

“Jamás nos hubiéramos imaginado que iba a ser el primer bebé del año” Tags: Más en Noticias Destacados Ups

“Saber que el dolor no era de sufrimiento, sino que el cuerpo lo generaba por la llegada del bebé”, dijo.

Fear, scare and a dream

The 34 -year -old woman always had the dream of having a childbirth at home.She has always been, "he says," of the people who do not go to an emergency room unless she "is dying".Has never been hospitalized.

"I didn't want birth to be in a hospital.I didn't want it to be treated as a protocol. Quería que fuera algo mío y qué mejor que en mi casa”, contó.

However, Torruellas confessed that he was "overwhelmed" with the plan.He had already had a son, but he was born through Cesarean section.

“She wanted to give birth to the house, that the puppies were nearby. Aunque yo soy tradicional, no iba a tronchar su sueño”, apuntó el supervisor de una compañía multinacional.

Entonces, la pareja contactó a Yarilís García, una partera profesional certificada de Parto en Casa, y a Liz Palacios, doula y especialista en medicina placentaria de Placenta es Vida.

Communication was constant.After each appointment with the gynecologist and the midwife, Flores talked to the doula.

On December 31, after hours of contractions, the lawyer began to experience "new sensations".Had entered the work of active delivery.At 5:00 in the afternoon the midwife visited the house and estimated that Gio could be born on the afternoon of the first day of the year.But it was not like that.


At night, the couple called the midwife and the doula.Garcia was at a farewell party of the year.So you had to change the clothes I wore.

"They arrived and locked in the room.I stayed outside like, ‘And me?’.So I entered and she (flowers) was standing and the doula was hugging her. Y estaban haciendo squats.I said: ‘What crazy, if she wants to give birth’. Pero todo era parte del proceso”, rememoró con comicidad el progenitor.

And the New Year arrived.Sometimes, the noise of fireworks was such that the midwife could not hear the baby's beats.Twenty -two minutes later, Gio had left the placenta and was in his parents' arms.

“It was a feeling of relief to have it in my arms, of satisfaction, to see that we did it together.Now, I'm still falling in time and space.They were almost two days without being able to sleep. Mucha adaptación y asimilando el proceso”, manifestó Flores.

Toruellas, meanwhile, thanked the work and accompaniment of the doula and the midwife because, in part, they relieved the fears and fears that he had.

“It was a very beautiful experience because I expected it different.It is something that everyone should live.You look at your partner in another way. Comienzas a ver la vida de otra manera”, aseguró.

Cagüeño or Ponceño?

Gio has unleashed a small struggle between two municipalities that dispute it: although his family is from Ponce, the little boy was born in Caguas.


"First baby of the year is a Creole. Gio, el primer bebé del 2022 es nada más y nada menos que un bebé nacido en nuestra amada ciudad”, escribió el alcalde de Caguas, William E. Miranda Torres, en sus redes sociales.

Even the first municipal executive was yesterday to visit the Torruella Flores family and took some gifts.Interestingly, among them there was clothes that had an image of a lion impregnated, the symbol of the Ponceños.

“Alguien lo resolvió: ponceño por linaje y criollo por adopción”, mencionó la madre entre carcajadas.

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