Baby clothes

What does it mean to dream of a baby?We know how to dream about baby: meaning to dream of baby that cries: mean

By hollisterclothingoutlet 22/02/2023 650 Views

What does it mean to dream of a baby?If you are one of the people who try to give meaning to everything that dreams and has happened to you that while you sleep your mind navigates with the image of a baby, here we tell you some possible meanings.Will you have one soon?Can you never have a baby?Is anyone from your family pregnant?Is it fortune?

According to Clarín, who interviewed the psychiatrist Mariana Lagos, president of the Chapter of Mental Health and Social Emergencies and the Board of Directors of APSA (Association of Argentine Psychiatrists), “dreams generate fascination because they account for mysteries of the human dimensionAnd they shoot speculations related to desires and fears.The meaning in each case is unique and intimate and at the same time is influenced by the ideas and subjectivity of the time ".

With this definition, some specialists in dreams and mystical energy reveal that each dream, even if it dreams of a baby and another person happens to the same, must be analyzed separately and personally.

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However, here we leave you some approaches of what it can mean dreaming of a baby, according to Clarín:

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What does it mean to dream of a baby in my arms?If you get to dream of this, you may be clinging to the desire to have a family, a job, an artistic activity.It can also mean protection.In other words, dreaming with a baby in my arms can reveal that there is a very big desire for a project, whether work or life.

According to several media specialized in the section of the meaning of dreams, dreaming with a baby in my arms while crying, it means that difficult times will come.If you can't see your face, it's perhaps a betrayal.

According to Tarotista Victoria Arderius, who spoke with Clarín, if you dream of a baby that is not yours this means:

"If the dreamer is a male and dreams of a baby who is not his and has it in his arms, he could indicate that he is doubting his fatherhood.But not all the visions of one baby are negative, "he said.

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Although there is a whole culture of the meaning of dreams, each person must have a different meaning.According to the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, dreams only help us to know information about the unconscious.In these there is a relationship of the most intimate desires that sometimes do not seem clear, many times due to the pressure of social norms.

So you know ... don't look for a general meaning for your dreams, you better analyze your fears, doubts or thoughts.

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