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Foods to keep bones strong How to combat sweat in summer Tricks to take care of hair from 50 The province will only test people over 60, with risk factors or pregnant

By hollisterclothingoutlet 29/01/2022 1413 Views

Bones need to be kept strong at all stages of life, especially as they give the body the shape and support it needs, as well as protect organs and systems.

However, in certain stages, such as childhood or old age, care becomes especially important. This is because the bone system becomes more sensitive in these stages and there is a greater risk of problems and injuries.

The nutrients that most favor it are calcium and vitamin D. If there is a deficit of the first, osteoporosis is more likely to appear; and if the second is missing, the chances of fractures or decreased bone density are higher. You should not make significant changes to your diet or lifestyle without first consulting your doctor.

The following are some of the foods that contain such nutrients:

Cheese: it is a dairy product that can be very helpful in strengthening bones. It has a high concentration of calcium due to its dairy origin. Eating five cubes of cheddar cheese, for example, provides 30% of the calcium you need per day. It is recommended to choose those that are low in calories and without added salt.

Spinach: like all green vegetables, they provide a large amount of calcium, even more than dairy products. Choose chard, broccoli, cabbage, and kale for your meals. A cup of cooked spinach contains 25% of the calcium you need in a day; It also provides iron and vitamin A.

Grapefruit juice: the most recommended is that it be natural. It provides a good amount of vitamin D. It is best to drink it at breakfast, since it gives you a lot of energy from the first hours. If you eat the whole fruit, the pulp will also add flavonoids. Likewise, the body will absorb vitamin D from this fruit more quickly.

Fish: sardines contain vitamin D and calcium. It is preferable to consume them natural or in water, but not in oil. It is a good option to accompany them with lettuce and arugula salads or with pasta; also with potatoes or rice. Similarly, salmon is known as one of the most nutritious fish in existence. Contains Omega 3 fatty acids, which are good for the heart.

Omega 3 strengthens the cardiovascular system and bones. Tuna, meanwhile, is rich in this vitamin. Only one medium piece is needed to ingest 40% of the nutrients that the body needs.

Good habits to improve bone health

Maintain good posture: When sitting at your desk, try to always keep your back straight, without hunching your shoulders forward. The feet should be completely flat on the ground; arms and wrists relaxed.

When heavy objects are loaded, it is advisable to balance the weight. Sometimes it is better to split the load into lighter amounts, even if this means making more trips, or taking more time.

If you have to lift something off the ground, it is appropriate to bend your knees, instead of your back. It is also recommended to carry the backpack on both shoulders; and when shopping, balance the weight of the bags.

Exercise and take precautions: sport is one of the best natural methods to strengthen the bones of the entire body. Swimming or aquagym is recommended, as well as walking, cycling or jogging. However, it is important not to overly strain the body. It is, in particular, to avoid injuries or fractures.

In case of injury to a bone, go to the doctor immediately as they need professional treatment. Follow the instructions and rest.

Source: Better with health

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