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British school asks children and teachers to take a skirt to "promote equality"

By hollisterclothingoutlet 13/12/2022 766 Views

Edimburg Castleview Primary School, Scotland, asked its students and teachers of both sexes to take class to "promote equality", fight against gender standards and expectations and show their solidarity after a teenage student inSpain was sent to a psychologist and expelled for carrying a skirt.

An Castleview email aimed at parents said that I wanted children to feel "comfortable" participating and that pants could be wear under the skirts if necessary, according to the Daily Mail.

It even offered to provide skirts to some young people if there were no adequate at home.

"We want to spread the message that clothing has no gender and that we must all be free to express ourselves as we want," the teachers wrote in a message to the parents, according to the media.

"Day of going to school with a skirt"

The idea would have come from the students of P6 (10 to 11 years old) who knew the campaign "Clothing has no gender", which began in Spain last year after the expulsion of a student for carrying a skirt;On November 4 of last year, Spanish students and teachers brought skirts to school in support of the student, and the date is now known as "the day of taking skirt to school".

Escuela británica pide a niños y profesores llevar falda para

"Today is the 'day of going to school with a skirt' in Spain and this year the Castleview Elementary School in Edinburgh is encouraging staff and students to participate to" break gender stereotypes "and" promote equality, "he tweetedOn Thursday the BBC of Scotland.

The responses to the tweet were from criticism to Castleview to celebrate the "Day of the School Skirt" to people who support the day.

Criticism for and against

"So Castleview needs a new director, teachers are to teach, not to talk about gender," a Twitter user published.

On the other hand, a mother of a son at school tweeted: "My son is five years old and has just received this from school.Let children be children ".

"My son goes to this school and decided that he wanted to carry a skirt in support.These children should be praised and not badly seen.I can't believe the vile closed -mind comments that some people have made.These children and school are incredible and cover many issues, "said a father on Twitter.

Edinburgh City Council said students were not obliged to participate if they did not want to do it.

"They asked if the school could do something similar to the sample of support in Spain and raise awareness about what they have been learning in class.The school has received a positive response from parents, but students are not obliged to participate if they do not want, "said a City Hall spokesman, according to Edinburgh News.

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